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SLU Responds to Student Lawsuit with Lawsuit

On Behalf of | Sep 13, 2017 | Legal News

St. Louis University Responds to Lawsuit From Surgical Resident With Their Own Lawsuit

In Late August, a surgical resident filed a civil lawsuit against St. Louis University.

The student, Mandy Rice, filed the claim against St. Louis University; Carl Freeman, the chief of the trauma service; Catherine Wittgen, the director of  the university’s surgery residency program.

Rice says she has to repeat her fourth year of surgical residency due to the multiple failures and retaliatory behaviors by her superiors.

She claims the leaders discriminated against her because she used to be a registered nurse. Allegedly, she was told her past would affect her ability to be a surgeon.

However, last week the university filed a lawsuit against Mandy Rice.

SLU alleges that Mandy Rice and her husband, Michael Rice, are diluting the university’s brand by displaying the university’s trademark name on a website they made.

Mandy and her husband created a website called SLU Compliance Project. The website highlights Mandy’s lawsuit, it also alleges retaliations SLU made against her and other misconduct issues.

It also encourages other students to report their own concerns about SLU’s medical school. There is even an active Facebook page to complement the website.

The federal lawsuit filed by SLU requests that all references to the trademarked term, “SLU,” be taken down. It also requests that the domain for the website be transferred to the university.

The SLU Compliance Project shared the letter that listed SLU’s requests on their Facebook page, and said it was an attempt to “intimidate, bully and silence those that would bring its dysfunctions to light.”

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SLU is also seeking $100,000 in damages, plus attorneys’ fees.

