Attorneys In St. Charles County, Missouri Ready To Assist You With All Your Legal Challenges

Suddarth & Koor, LLC Legal Blog

5 Tips to Help Avoid Car and Motorcycle Accidents

Understanding car and motorcycle and car accidents Understanding the cause of a car, motorcycle, and any other type of automobile accident is vital in helping a St. Charles car accident attorney identify liable parties and take legal action on your behalf. Car accidents are almost always more devastating and dangerous. The lack of protection motorcycle riders have makes them much…

What happens if I get a DUI/DWI in Missouri?

What do I need to know about getting a DWI in Missouri? Everyone knows driving while intoxicated is dangerous, but alcohol and drugs can impair judgment and cause people to make poor decisions. Getting behind the wheel of a car while under the influence of alcohol or drugs can and most likely will result in being charged with a DWI…

What is a Probate Lawyer?

Wills, Trusts, & Estates: The Purpose of a Probate Lawyer The word “probate” derives its meaning from the Latin  probare, meaning “to test, prove, or examine.”  In law, a probate lawyer assists in the judicial process of examining and settling a deceased person’s estate. A probate court determines the validity of a deceased person’s will. Proving the will’s validity grants approval,…

What is Family Law?

Understanding family law and the matters involved Simply put, Family Law is a legal category that involves any crucial family matter such as divorce, adoption, custody rights, child support, and much more. Resolving these matters can be extremely daunting. These issues require exhaustive efforts, both personally and financially. Suddarth and Koor, LLC is dedicated to helping its clients settle all…

How Attorneys Help After You Receive a Speeding Ticket

“Do I really need a lawyer for a speeding ticket?” Generally speaking, most people don’t think about hiring an attorney after receiving a speeding ticket. People often pay the fines without question and, in more involved cases, end up suffering more than needed. People may think that something as simple as a speeding ticket doesn’t require a lawyer. However, it is…

Understanding Insurance Claims for Personal Injury Cases

Everything you need to know about personal injury insurance claims If you’ve recently been a victim of personal injury, you might already know how stressful the following events can be. Aside from making sure your health and safety are looked after and prioritized, and some legal aspects, there’s the insurance claim you need to tackle. To make sure that your…

What is The Cost of An Average Divorce In Missouri?

By The Numbers: Divorce in Missouri Divorces are known to be some of the most publicized court settlements in the United States. Average divorce settlements are a discussion for another post. In this article, we will be discussing the average cost of a divorce in Missouri for both contested and uncontested divorce cases. There are many factors and questions that…

