Attorneys In St. Charles County, Missouri Ready To Assist You With All Your Legal Challenges

Truck Accident Attorneys In St. Charles County, Missouri

Due to the demands of the truck driving industry, accidents do happen. Drivers often are unfamiliar with the area they are in, experience driver fatigue after long hours on the road, have the risk of jackknifing and can get distracted on the road.

Truck Accident Lawyers Serving O’Fallon, St. Charles County And The Surrounding Counties

Have you been injured in a semi-truck accident caused by a truck driver in St. Charles or a surrounding city?

Have you suffered fractures in your thigh bones, crushed kneecaps, broken bones in your lower leg, a crushed right foot, and/or impairment to your arm and hand? Do you face hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills, all because of a truck driver’s failure to drive safely?

Is the semi driver’s insurance company’s initial offer barely enough to cover your ambulance trip?

Contact Suddarth & Koor, LLC, and we will fight the trucker’s insurance company to help you recover enough compensation to cover your lost work wages, medical injuries, and pain and suffering throughout an ordeal that was not your fault. Suddarth & Koor, LLC, is here for you!

Truck Accident Attorneys In St. Charles, Missouri

Hundreds of large truck accidents happen in Missouri every year. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, 1 out of 10 highway deaths occur from an accident with a large truck. The average large truck weighs 80,000 pounds, so the chances of having no injuries after being involved in an accident are slim.

Unfortunately, truck accidents often involve cars outside of the initial crash. Pileups involve numerous vehicles and therefore make it even harder to determine what really happened and who is at fault.

Semi-truck accidents can be more complicated than other types of motor vehicle crash cases. Even if the accident involved just the truck and one passenger vehicle, there are numerous parties involved, including the owners of the truck, the owner of the trailer, the company that packed the trailers, the truck driver’s employer, and the driver of the passenger vehicle.

Commercial trucking companies typically have more resources at their disposal than the average passenger vehicle driver. Their insurance companies spring into action to gather the information that will help them defend their case. Truck companies often know how to avoid liability and responsibility. They even hire trained investigators to record personal perceptions of the accidents, and these investigators are good at what they do. What they record often minimizes the trucking company’s liability.

Speak With A Truck Accident Lawyer Today

If you are involved in a truck accident, call the police and get medical help right away. If possible, take photos of the accident and vehicles, and speak with witnesses. When you are physically capable, contact Suddarth & Koor, LLC, to help you through this difficult time.